
Anxiety Sucks……….

For years I didn’t even know I struggled with it, I thought it was just normal to feel worried about everyone and everything. I worried about things I couldn’t control. My mind raced. All the time, but especially 2AM. I worried that my kids would be abducted…. I worried that I said something that offended anyone…. i worried that i forgot to do something important… i worried that I might leave my kids in a hot car…. I worried I wouldn’t get enough sleep….. you get it I worried. Turns out I’m also a perfectionist. Did you know that perfectionism isn’t need everything to be perfect (that’s obsessiveness). Perfectionism is feeling the need to things perfectly (the right way) and holding yourself to unreasonable standards all while feeling you’ll never meet those standards. For example, I’m not that neat, but I expect myself to be and then when I’m not, I beat myself up. I’m working on being kind to myself, but its hard.

Always remember:

You’re not alone


You are enough just as you are.

Briana Jewczyn